This event is mainly take place in Australia and mainly in the city Sydney on the month of March every year...

The next Earth Hour will be on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 8:30 pm.
Currently, 82 countries and more than 2100 cities are 'committed to Earth Hour 2009', a huge increase from people participating in 35 countries for Earth Hour 2008.[4] 1 billion 'votes' is the stated aim for Earth Hour 2009. Wikipedia Source.
Earth Hour 2008
35 countries around the world are participating and over 400 cities are also supporting this event, Earth Hour 2008 was almost celebrated on all seven continents. Iconic landmarks all around the world turns off their non-essential lighting for Earth Hour. Countries included the Empire State Building (New York City), Sears Tower (Chicago), Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco), Bank of America Plaza (Atlanta), Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia), Wat Arun Buddhist Temple (Bangkok, Thailand), the Colosseum (Rome, Italy), Royal Castle (Stockholm, Sweden), London's City Hall (England), Space Needle (Seattle, USA), the CN Tower (Toronto, Canada) and SM Mall of Asia & SM Science Discovery Center (Manila, Philippines).
I will Really Participate in this event for the awareness of our change in climate...

Photo Taken from satellite, when the Earth Hour was celebrated in Sydney on 2008.
Their Official Site: Earthhour.org
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