Friday, March 27, 2009

A Great Reason for Using internet Explorer...

Some Great Reasons for Using internet Explorer...Internet Explorer is always best for Downloading Mozilla..... As at first, we will discover its negative features then we gonna divert our mind towards mozilla Browser and will absolutely take the help of IE to download Firefox!!! Even sometimes few new users uses it for surfing and discover its features... And again few percent users uses it to download Opera Browser... And again sometime is is used to test all sorts of new anti-virus programs....

Here in this above Pie Chart, it is labelled in different colours as follows... :
In Green Colour, it is showing Surfing on internet,which is the least one.
And in blue one is to download Opera Browser, which posses the second reason...
3rd in orange, which says its use in testing new anti-virus program.
And the Fourth one is for Downloading Mozilla Firefox for secure surfing...

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