
Monday, October 6, 2008

Nasa 's Spacecraft again Visited Mars !!

The New NASA spacecraft MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space Environment, GEochemistry and Ranging)now reached Mars. It will now pass all the innermost planet at the length of 201 kilometres. And it is expected to take more than 1200 images of the cratered surface, with its Hi-Quality Designed Camera.
Mercury is the Close one to the planet as it is having Hi Risk of its proximity - the enormous gravitational pull from the Sun, and high powered radiation and it is told by the scientist the it is one of the most mysterious bodies in the solar system, eve it is too close to the earth.

"The results from MESSENGER's first fly-by of Mercury resolved debates that are more than 30 years old," says Sean Solomon, the mission's principal investigator from the Carnegie Institution of Washington. [ Source: ]

"It is the second encounter, that will uncover many more interesting mystery about the planet."

MESSENGER launched over the space to the Mercury in January 2008, and will make its final way back in September 2009. Now By this time it would have take a round the Sun 15 times and think of covering eight billion kilometres.

I thinks it to back safely to the earth...!!

- Arijit Das

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