
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A New Project Palantir by the Group of Facebook!

A group of Facebook engineers created a video that shows Facebook activity happening in real-time around the world. It's named after the crystal ball from Lord of the Rings. Fortunately you don't have to be a giant nerd to appreciate this nice visualization of the way people connect globally through social networking.


Facebooks Project Palantir: Beautiful Visualization Of People Connecting

Its a video of the earth showing Facebook activity visually and geographically. One view shows activity as dots of light that flow upward. Another view shows connections between people around the globe as it occurs. The images above show a little of it, but you really have to see the video to appreciate it.

A group of Facebook engineers - Jack Lindamood, Kevin Der and Dan Weatherford - have created a small project called Palantir at a Facebook Hackathon event. The project is named after The palantír of Orthanc, a crystal ball-like object from The Lord Of The Rings (yep, they’re nerds).

Anyway, it’s a video of the earth showing Facebook activity visually and geographically. One view shows activity as dots of light that flow upward. Another view shows connections between people around the globe as it occurs. The images above show a little of it, but you really have to see the video to appreciate it.

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