
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A boy of only 9-years has written a book of "love"!!

When you were around 9-10 years old, did you ever thought of writting a Book, and even which is Full of Love. I know you are thinking, that how can it be possible!! But it is true that a 9 years old child can become an author of a book, it is a Book of "Love".

Video Source:

Nypost Source:
" He's only 9, but this pint-sized pickup artist already knows plenty about pleasing the ladies.

So much, in fact, that Alec Greven's dating primer, "How to Talk to Girls" - which began as a handwritten, $3 pamphlet sold at his school book fair - hit the shelves nationwide last week

The fourth-grader from Castle Rock, Colo., advises Lothario wannabes to stop showing off, go easy on the compliments to avoid looking desperate - and be wary of "pretty girls."

"It is easy to spot pretty girls because they have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewelry," he writes in Chapter Three.

"Pretty girls are like cars that need a lot of oil."

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