
Friday, July 17, 2009

Now watch and share videos on Twitter.

After the introduction of twitter over the web, it spread to almost every users of the web, like a virus spread its infection with the medium of an infected person to another. For a long time we were knowing that twitter is used for communication, keeping updates, increasing followers and fans, even sharing photos with twitpic but now another features is added, which made twitter a perfect site with all the features.

Now, you can share videos over twitter. Yes, it’s true. You can keep your followers update with your videos and even keep your followers update with your videos and even you can have video conversation with your friends, family and others.

How could it be possible with twitter? And how could we share the videos through tweet? These are the questions arises…

Its very simple, you no need to worry! The all headache is of the site “twitvid” which will do all the process for you to share the video.

The things you have to do is simply log on to the site “twitvid” and by using login panel, enter the user-name and password of your twitter account (it is secured). Then you will be sent to the authentic page to “accept” or “deny” the access to you twitter account. Here you choose your option and if you “accept” the access to your profile then you will proceed to the next step, i.e. you will sent to the front page of “twitvid”. Or if chosen the “deny” option then will not proceed.

Message Box

There you will find the small message box which is similar to the message box of twitter and cannot exceed 115 word. Here you can type the description of your video.

And below this you will find two button.

(i) The First one is to browse the video from the PC and upload it for sharing.
(ii) The Second one is to share the video captured by webcam, this features may help the twitter user to have a conversation or spreading their voice to the social world of twitter.

Another most amazing features it got is that you can share the video to your facebook, myspace, twitter, and other by using a unique email id. like ( dailylinked (at} ) with help you to upload you videos from any part of the world through you mobile as well as from the PC and Laptops.

Lets see whether these features over twitter may bring the change in the niche of web.

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