
Monday, May 3, 2010

Cal Orko – The Dinosaur Wall of Bolivia

Cal Orko – The Dinosaur Wall of Bolivia. -
A huge wall like structure found at the quarry at a factory of cement, in Bolivia (FANCESA). It is of the dinosaurs' time and found around 5,000 tracks of 294 species of dinosaurs.

The discovery gave great prestige to history and science, revealing data here tofore unknown about the end of the period Cretaceous and the beginning of the Tertiary, about 66 million years ago, thus documenting the high diversity of dinosaurs is better than any other place in the world.

Earlier of this Discovery, the largest and most important site was Khjoda-Pil-ata, in Turkmenistan, and others in Portugal, Great Britain, Spain and Switzerland. But as Cal Urqu none, since it is several times larger than either of them elsewhere in the world only up to 220 tracks were only two species.

source: spluch

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